DON'T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF DAN 11:13-19 !!! That is the REAL STORY !!
(please see both "cracking the bible code" articles below)
The Global Civil/Economic/Geo-Political Chaos is just a Distraction (old jedi mind-trick).
DAN 11:13-19 IS THE REAL STORY !!!!! Is anybody Listening ?! Hello ???
Please see News
& Updates... I will keep you posted ! (hell's
a-poppin' !!)
(latest updates
on November 17, 2024 [still current as of Jan 26])
(and please see Cracking the Bible Code Part 2 Unlocking Daniel Chapter 11)
......There is so
much information on the Internet and so much hurry..... why
should you slow down for this odd little site ?
All I can
say is that all of the apparently unique
discoveries/deductions/conclusions that have been written here have
taken me by surprise. But they have deepened my perception of God and
the Bible beyond measure.
And like a 'fire in my
bones' I don't think I could live if I didn't share them.
So, take a deep breath, relax, and take your time, I hope you will find it time well spent.....
These first two subjects, the Truth about God & the Origami articles, will set the tone, it is a very different tone. :
The truth about God (the real reason there is suffering. It might surprise you)
The Cause and Treatment of Spiritual Origami Or: How did we get in this Mess in the first place ?!?!
and please read:
An Origami Pear..... Unfolding A new wrinkle .....
Featured Articles :
Two Articles you really need to start cogitating on, NOW !!
a prophetic rake
is stepped on.......
of the End-Times
an easy read....... sorry..... but things you really should
exciting, improved ! now
with very
poorly drawn 2024 Timeline
Chart, and now the New
Chart for the Next 14 Years !! possibly
the worst-looking chart on the web)
Timeline CHARTS HAVE NOT YET BEEN UPDATED !!!! waiting for Dan 11:13 to Start
News & Updates (latest updates on November 17, 2024[still current as of Jan 26])
(if you came here as a result of a "King of the North" search, the info is lower on this page at "Timeline Alert". And also see both "Cracking the Bible Code" pages. thanks)
Everything you need to know about life (well, kinda)
How the Ransom works (really!)
Cracking the Bible Code (stand aside DaVinci)
Cracking the Bible Code Part 2 (Unlocking Daniel Chapter 11)
Uncommon definitions of common words
Bible Math
be scared, it's easy stuff)
Timeline of the End of Time.
improved ! now with very poorly drawn 2024 Timeline
The Timeline Alerts that were on this page and information about the re-emergence of the New Soviet Union were getting just a bit toooo long, so there is now a page just for for that HERE "Timeline Alerts, and KOTN" page
What is the "Mark of the Beast"?
Evolution, (an Oblique approach)
The March of Time of the Time of March.
A Special Alert for Jehovah's Witnesses.
Disturbing Discovery
(The Impossible becomes the Unthinkable) updated Jan 2019 with some amazing info
Thought-Sherds (57 mini-musings) -new stuff added, page 12.
Simple Law
(don't miss these two pages if you really want to
understand the Ransom !!) Christianity
is not a Religion, it's an equation..... oh yes it is.....
of the Blue... (or,
a prophetic rake is stepped on.....)
Brief Theory of Everything.....
( an epistemological extrapolation, hehe....)
Who is Jesus ? (hey ! what's going on ? why isn't this at the top of the page ?'ll see, you'll see.)
The Cause and Treatment of Spiritual Origami Or: how did we get in this mess in the first place ?!?!
Origami Pear.....
Unfolding A new wrinkle .....
Stradivaric Inheritance hmmmm.....
Horrible, Awful, Crummy, not Fun, Terrible Discovery......
(but I'm gunna tell you ennyway......)
The Truth about God (the real reason there is suffering. The Answer might surprise you)
If, for some odd reason, you wish to use or share any of this information on
this website you are quite welcome to do so,
provided you:
Do not ever use it for profit
2. And Always Cite the source;
3. And, would you be so kind as to always capitalize the "M" the "A" and the "G" in
the website