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News & Updates page..... 

           "Predictions are hard to make, especially about the Future." -Yogi Berra

The little monograph "Out-of-the-Blue" will give you a very good frame-of-reference for All Events related to the 'Time of the End'.

And you Really, Really, Really, should read "
Reverse-O Change-O"
...and if you haven't read
Thought-Sherd #35, I VERY MUCH suggest you should..... you will NOT regret doing so.....
and Reading and understanding the
UNLOCKING DANIEL page is absolutely essential to Understanding these Daniel 11:13-19 Urgent Updates!!!  and much of this Website......

There has been a Change of The Format of the Page you are Reading, Effective as of May 15, 2024 !!


Everything that was on This "News & Updates" Page,  before May 15, 2024 has been now moved to the News & Updates Spillover Page  so as to "clear-the decks" on this Page for the URGENT Reporting of the Events of Daniel 11:13 onwards !!!
(and the timeline Charts have been updated, as of May 19, 2024)

Here are the Events of Daniel Chapter 11 verse 13 onwards, in Biblical Order   :

please Note and Remember: We are about to enter into 7 YEARS OF GLOBAL  PEACE (i know no one believes that, but......)


[BTW, i'm keeping a close eye on SpaceWeather.com, purdy wild Solar-Cycle going on right now  -added June 23, 2024 interesting old-school style website]

Dan 11:15 is Quite Clear that as this coming invasion of the Middle-East begins, that The-King-of-the-South (US and Cº) will be in such a weakened state that he will 'have no strength to stand/hold his ground'(at the "Fortified City" Us Baghdad Embassy in-my-opinion). 
The current events in the USofA (presidential election chaos) may well contribute to that weakness, additionally, that chaos began on June 27th [debate]. And has gotten crazier and crazier by the Day.....  -added June 29,  2024-edited July 22


please let me have a stay-of-execution on my previous June-July Dan 11:13 Start prediction. iff'n it doesn't happen by July-Aug-[Sept-Oct?],  then (gulp) i think we might have at least another year to go...... :( -added June 10, 2024

What i'm watching for now:   -added July 22, 2024
iff'n Tisha B'Av 2038 [anniversary of Temple Destruction. 'bout Aug 10, 2038]marks the end of the World as we now Know it, i.e.  the End of the 14 years that start with Dan 11:17 (please  see Charts). And if the years are what are called by some "Prophetic Years" i.e. 360 days each, and iff'n you count backwards 14 years = 5040  days  from Aug 10, 2038, you will find this little curious discovery:
The 14 years of The End will begin on Oct 25, 2024. Exactly one year [Heb calendar] after the Oct 7 [Solar calendar] attack on Israel. i find that VERY  interesting, and well worth noting. So i'm watching Sept-Oct VERY closely. i think my mistake was thinking the 14 years would Start and End on Tisha B'Av[2024-2038,i.e. 14 full Luni-Solar years] (educated guess) but for now i'm thinkin' it's 14 Prophetic [360 day] years....... we'll see...... and thank you for being patient with my little Speculations......

-bullet points below updated June 22, 2024:

►►HIGH ALERT !!  .... a possible 4 to 10 day Precursor-type event[s] that will be a Clear Marker that Dan 11:13 is about to start (best guess is Nukes used by Russia) .....but..... some clear event of some sort. It could be an earthquake in Jerusalem causing the collapse of Temple, dunno.....

►  .... Daniel 11:13, 14b begins !!! The Dramatic Invasion of Middle-East by Russia begins NOW,

►  ....Vs 14b, Deductively, something will cause the Collapse of the Dome-of-the-Rock in Jerusalem, causing "the sons of  Robbers of your people" to think that it is Time to Rebuild the Temple. My best Guess is a nice Geo-Politically neutral Earthquake[please give that a thunk or two; who could anyone Blame ? If Israel destroyed the Dome-of-the-Rock, the Middle-East would go up in flames, but an Earthquake would make all scratch their heads and think, 'hmmm.....' maybe that was the Finger-of-God] again, just a guess, but in any case, this Attempt to Re-build the Temple will "Stumble"i.e. fail, at this particular premature time. (you might find Temple article interesting) or if an unquestioned Muslim accidental strike on the Dome-of-the-Rock caused its collapse

  .... Vs 15, Russia and Cº will "pour out" a Siege Rampart to take a "Fortified City" [almost certainly the US Baghdad Embassy] US forces "arms of the[king of the] South" will have 'no strength to stand'.

  .... Vs 16, Absolutely Unopposed Invasion and Control of the Middle-East

  .... Vs 17a, Full Force of Russia's/Putin's Presence is felt. An Effective and Acceptable Peace Treaty is put-in-place.

  .... Vs 17b, Something to do with "the Daughter of Women". My best Guess here is Tizpi Livni (Libni family of Ex 6:17) for a number of reasons; she was denied the Prime Ministership that she won in 2008-9, and she seems to be a very honorable person, thus; 'she will not be for him[King of the North]'. But we'll just wait and see.....

  .... Vs 18, The King-of-the-North [Putin] will apparently be 'in situ' i.e. right there in the Middle East, and get into some festering personal conflict. If i had to guess, i think ol' Prigozhin might reappear on the scene. But i really don't know.
The wording in all translations is not consistent as to which way it goes, but it should be apparent and recognizable to someone who is watching/looking for this personal interchange.

  .... Vs 19, Putin [King of the North] apparently turns his attention back Home 'and stumbles and falls so that he cannot be found'. It does NOT say he dies. I think he comes back as Mr. Verse 21..... we'll see......

News Items will be Posted Here As they Occur and Match Events/Scriptures !!

Please Please Remember: We are Going into 7 Years of Global PEACE. that's not a typo. you really really really must Read Out-of-the-Blue

*as has been mentioned numerous times on this website; even though Tisha B'Av Literally means 'The 9th of Ab[Av]" the bible clearly states that the Temple was Destroyed on the 10th of Ab. go figure,[Jer 52:12-14], Additionally there needs to be an Empirical observation of the New Moon in Jerusalem, which can add or subtract a day, soooo...... gimme a day or two of wriggle-room.... thanx....

All News & Updates Items Prior to May 15, 2024 are now on the News & Updates Spillover Page. cuz this page waz gettin' way way too long, and to 'Clear the Decks' for Notifications of The Beginning of Daniel 11:13 !! 

lots and lots of really interesting Stuff there .....  and my old Mistakes too.

a simple request: if you share or use the information from this website, please, would you be so kind as to cite the source.... ?


Throw the Old Dog a bone, yah know......

tanx eh ?